Til Kristins flora
Til Kristins sommerfugler

Sommerfugler fra Thailand
Sist oppdatert 12.09.06   
Foto Kristin Vigander    

Foreløpig er dette en ustrukturert samling bilder. Kontakt meg gjerne for kommentarer

Junonia lemonias
Lemon pansy
Thailand nov 05

Elymnias hypernestra
Common palmfly
Thailand nov 05

Potanthus pava
The dart
Thailand nov 05

Celastrina transpecta
White-banded hedge blue
Thailand nov 05

Yphtima huebneri
The common four-ring
Thailand nov 05

Tagiades japetus
Common snow flat
Thailand nov 05

Parthenos sylvia
The clipper
Thailand nov 05

Eurema blanda
Three-spot grass yellow
Thailand nov 05

Lexias dirtea male
Thailand nov 05

Lexias dirtea male
Thailand nov 05

Lexias dirtea female
Thailand nov 05

Danaus genutia
Thailand nov 05

Hypolycaena erylus
Common tit
Thailand nov 05

Hypolycaena erylus
Common tit
Thailand nov 05

Euploea mulciber

Hypolimnas bolina jacintha
Great eggflly
Thailiand nov 05

Catopsilia pomona
Lemon migrant
Thailand nov 05

Tirumala limniace eller
parantica aglea


Hypochrosis hyadaria
Thailand nov 05

Ourapteryx dara
Thailand nov 05
